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Der Kostnix-Laden veranstaltet 1x monatlich einen Soliball (1. Samstag im Monat) - Soliball #4 ist der LETZTE Soliball vor der SOMMERPAUSE.

Was heißt das?
Wir schwingen das Tanzbein, kleiden uns in

schicken und lustigen Gewändern (optional)

und spenden für einen guten Zweck. Der

gute Zweck ist, dass der Fortbestand des

Kostnix-Ladens gesichert ist. Wie ihr wisst,

finanziert sich der Kostnix-Laden über

freiwillige Spenden; diese benötigen wir für

Miete, Strom, Internet, Reparaturen etc.

Aktuell ist uns die relativ hohe

Betriebskostennachzahlung ein Dorn im Auge.

Wenn ihr die Idee hinter dem Kostnix-Laden

super findet, den Laden gerne besucht,

oder wollt, dass das Kostnix-Laden weiter

bestehen kann und sich entwickeln kann -

kommt vorbei! ♥
Lasst uns doch zusammenhelfen,

ZUSAMMEN TANZEN, damit die Miete

weiterhin gesichert ist :))


29.6.2019   19h30  Gogodzy Gans´ki

The group “ Gogodzy Gans’ki ” was created at the end of

2014 by musicians, famous for their participation in such

groups as “ Perkalaba”, “Kolezhskyi Asessor” and academic

folk music orchestras.Since 2015 “ Gogodzy Gans’ki ” have

participated in different concerts and festivals that were held

in Ukraine ,Poland and Czechia with their rather extraordinal

program. Their first album “At that moment” was presented

at the beginning of 2016.Their style in music is recognized

as Post Klezmer,Gutzul-punk and Gogodzy-style.Musicians

use traditional tunes of Hutsuls - the indigenous population

of the Ukrainian Carpathians, they play such musical

instruments as dulcimer, clarinet ,drymba,washcloth and

drums to make a really unique sound. During the concerts the musicians manage to impress all the visitors despite their age. In February 2019 the EP "Menenenebude" was released, now the band is working on a full-length album.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
Bezirkskultur Meidling


22.6.2019   19h30  CREMISI (Federico Nardella) Wiener Liegekonzerte

CREMISI is the solo project of Federico Nardella. Through the manipulation of noises produced by everyday objects and the deconstruction of pre-existing music, he stages long processes of transformation, often combined with disturbing atmospheres and destructive sounds.

He also deals with film soundtracks, including Meshes of The Afternoon (dir. Maya Deren, USA, 1943) and the more recent LETTERA N. 4 (dir. Angelo Palmieri, Italy, 2017) and Flesh of the Void (dir. James Quinn, Austria, 2017).


18.6.2019   19h30  Alexander Markvart

Alexander Markvart - is a musician, member of theater projects and organizer of events and festivals. Born on January 5, 1987 in Kemerovo, Western Siberia. Now based between Berlin & St.Petersburg. Stylistically he works in a lot of musical genres from radical free improvisation, EAI, noise, hardcore, to well-structured projects, minimal techno and post-folk.
Founder of such polystylistic musical formations as Studio of Unconscious Music (SUM) and Siberian Improvisation Company (SIC!). Also in different years is a member of another experimental bands - Radical Musak Septet, Sacrifices, MITLO, Inorganic Blossoming, PSVSV, Cherubs, Importunate Twins, Sekta Phoenix. Works and plays concerts in various projects with many different musicians from improvised international scene with such as Axel Dörner, Lucio Capece, Burkhard Beins, Martin Küchen, Mazen Kerbaj, Joke Lanz, Jonas Kocher, Fire! (Mats Gustafsson, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin), Ilia Belorukov, Joel Grip, Micheal Zerang, Nick Sudnik, Michel Doneda, Bryan Eubanks and with many others. Since 2011, Alexander actively plays concerts in different tours in Europe and Russia. Participant of international festivals Blurred Edges (Hamburg), APosition (Spb), Long Arms (Moscow), Jazz Bez (Lublin), Riga Poetry Map (Riga), Urban Poetry Fest (Riga), Music of Present (St.Petersburg), HA-AS Fest (Yerevan), Sound Around Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad), reMusik (St.Petersburg), Theses Fest (Kemerovo/Berlin). Also he is one of the founders of independent label "Akt-Produkt". Organizer of festivals and concerts in Siberia, St.Petersburg and Berlin. The most significant of which is the festival of different arts "Theses Fest". Curator of Petersburg Art Space in Berlin.

Last record (with Michel Doneda) you can find on

Безимени-2 копия_bearbeitet.jpg

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
Bezirkskultur Meidling


15.6.2019   15h  Ein Jahr hier

VEKKS und Kostnixladen feiern das einjährige Bestehen in Meidling.
Kulturprogramm u.a. mit ANTEZ, Klangkünstler der speziellen Art, Alex Miksch, Liederpoet aus Wien Meidling, Plattenauflegerei, Jam-Session, Essen und Trinken von allen für alle....u.w.s.n.k.
Bleib dran,

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
Kultur Meidling


5.6.2019   19h30   Alessio Dutto / Zugabe


Alessio Dutto:
Live concert introducing the new album Blurred Boundaries, which will be out this spring on Midira Records (DE), tape+digital.


"It's an ambient/noise work that stays between harmonies sculpted in the noise, obsessive repetitions, static flows and continuous metamorphosis. Blurred Boundaries investigates the concept of border in all its forms, geographical, sonic, cultural, real or imaginary, but always without trying to overcome it."

ZGB is an unpredictable trio trying to incarnate the very essence of improvisation:
the mystery, the experiments, the silences, the irony, and last but not least the social, horizontal aspect of music making. Walking on the tiny border between instant composition and sonic impulsivity – melting both to create each time a different experience.
The awareness on their instruments and at the same time the socratic «”I know that I know nothing”», a dadaistic musical approach, equally cultivated and childish.

Mikael Szafirowski - electric guitar Alex Riva - recorders Dario Fariello - saxophones.

5.6.2019   19h30   Alessio Dutto / Zugabe


Alessio Dutto:
Live concert introducing the new album Blurred Boundaries, which will be out this spring on Midira Records (DE), tape+digital.


"It's an ambient/noise work that stays between harmonies sculpted in the noise, obsessive repetitions, static flows and continuous metamorphosis. Blurred Boundaries investigates the concept of border in all its forms, geographical, sonic, cultural, real or imaginary, but always without trying to overcome it."

ZGB is an unpredictable trio trying to incarnate the very essence of improvisation:
the mystery, the experiments, the silences, the irony, and last but not least the social, horizontal aspect of music making. Walking on the tiny border between instant composition and sonic impulsivity – melting both to create each time a different experience.
The awareness on their instruments and at the same time the socratic «”I know that I know nothing”», a dadaistic musical approach, equally cultivated and childish.

Mikael Szafirowski - electric guitar Alex Riva - recorders Dario Fariello - saxophones.

Zugabe is supported by Pro Helvetia, Norsk Jazzforum and Music Norway


Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Kultur Meidling


1.6.2019   19h30   Kostnix Soli Ball III

Zum dritten Mal findet der weit über die Grenzen Wiens hinaus bekannte Kostnix Soli Ball statt. Laßt uns wieder den Untergang des Geldsystems feiern und betanzen.
Bringt massenweise Geldreste um unsere Vermieter und Stromliferanten mit diesen Kleinoden bei Laune zu halten.
Come & Join the Party.


30.5.2019   19h30   ....dno< sound theater


..dno< sound theater is an experimental music

duo from Australia and Russia. The project is
playing experimental live electronic based on

drone, ambient, electro-acoustic and noise


Since August 2014 ..dno< already has released

5 full-length albums on Poverty Electronics (USA)

and took part in an experimental artists compilation

released by Linear Obsessional Recordings (UK).

The project performed in several major art events,

festivals and contemporary art exhibitions in

Europe and Russia. Releases and media projects presented in Russia, Europe, USA and Australia.

..dno< is working with museums, galleries and other contemporary art spaces. Also the project had solo performances in Riga (Latvia) and Tallinn (Estonia); took part in sound festivals, such as "Performance Art Festival 2017" (Pori, Finland), Akusmata Sound Festival 2017 (Helsinki, Finland) and Port Noblessner Design Night festival 2017 (Tallinn, Estonia), showed media projects in Berlin (Germany), St.Petersburg (Russia) and Melbourne (Australia).

Music works are available through: iTunes, Spotify and Bandcamp.

: audio :

: video :

: social web :


Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
Kultur Meidling

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