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6.5.2022  20h15 Einlass      Filmabend "QUIBOR"

Kommentarlos werden zwei Ereignisse in der Umgebung der Kleinstadt Quibor, 400km westlich der venezolanischen Hauptstadt Caracas begleitet.
Das meditative Herstellen einer Keramik in traditioneller Weise und ein musikalisches Hinterhoffest in einer Kleinhaussiedlung am Rande der Stadt.

Der Film lädt zum Beobachten ein, zum zweistündigen Verweilen in einer für uns ungewohnte Lebenswelt.

Idee und Herstellung: Georg Stejskal


9.5.2022  19h30 Einlass      Frise Lumiére (Ludovic Gerst)

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Under a grazing light, Frise Lumière is the personal project of Ludovic Gerst, musician and composer. By refining the instrumentation to only his bass, he extracts harmonic melodies, rhythmic and percussive. Everything comes from raw textures, a noise, a note... like a voiceless chant trying to come to life, to cast itself out of a body, out of a mouth, out of this page, this bass. Hit, stroke, hijacked, refined to only itself, this instrument becomes both melodic and rhythmic, turning into percussion, letting through other voices, other breaths.

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13.5.2022  19h30 Einlass     Fotgjengeren (Christopher Manning) & Elana Botts / Unknown Sound Collective

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Fotgjengeren, Norwegian for “The Pedestrian”, was created by multiinstrumentalist and vocalist Christopher Manning in 2011. Over the years Fotgjengeren has released 5 albums and worked with many collaborators. With each successive album, the style of the project has evolved, ranging from rock and metal to ambient and electroacoustic. The music is very meticulously composed and can invoke visuals for the listener. Fotgjengeren toured extensively throughout Europe, the Southern Caucasus and Isreal in 2019 and is happy to finally get back on the road again.


The unknown sound collective produces poetry-based sound art compositions of organic field recordings, experimental voice, and minimal instrumentation- a noise and freak folk ensemble that tends towards the otherworldly, often paired with other media, including impressionistic, nature/place-based glitch video, often captured in stills and reimagined as visual work in addition more traditional visual works.

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17.5.2022  19h30 Einlass     Sheik Anorak (Frank Garcia)

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Sheik Anorak (minimal drumming trance, Göteborg SWE) Sheik Anorak is Frank Garcia's solo project. Frank is a french musician, born in Lyon and relocated in Göteborg, Sweden since 2016. The music of his solo project changed a lot through the years, following Frank's mood and phases across the years, from free jazz to indie rock, kraut to no wave. The past few years showed a new direction with Sheik Anorak leaving the guitar and loops behind, going more electronics. The result today is a heavy repetitive music built on polyrhythms, drones and a personal way of playing drums. Sometimes compared to Goat (japan), Nissenenmondai (japan) or even Steve Reich (us), Frank proceed with his own take on repetitive electronic/acoustic music.


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20.5.2022  19h30 Einlass    Eyal Talmor

Eyal Talmor is an experimental musician dealing with unusual behaviors of electronics and sound. His improvisational performances centre around a synthesizer that, when connected to a normal functioning machine, becomes unintentionally influenced by corrupted MIDI data sent back and forth, causing it to operate beyond its planned capabilities.
While dealing with the chaotic nature of the involved machines and the live setting in real-time, Talmor's setup allows him to reach sounds that would be otherwise impossible. The described method makes every performance unique and unrepeatable, allowing the musician to research stress conditions, chaos, the physicality and behaviors of new sounds and their influence on the listener.

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28.5.2022  20h    Bauer & Stritter
ab 15h Eröffnung der Grätzeloase vor dem Lokal


live-electronics, drums, synthesizer, homeswinger


Auszüge einer experimentellen Spielanleitung mit Fibonaccizahlen führen zu rhythmischen Figuren, die sich improvisatorisch entfalten.








Ab 15:00 Urban Gardening
gemeinsam bepflanzen wir die Beete des Parklets.
zur Inspiration für weitere Garten-Aktionen liegt as Buch "Guerilla Gardening" von Richard Reynolds auf.

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