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7.2.2020   19h30 TONSPUR PRESENTS Aquiles Hadjis




Aquiles Hadjis (Venezuela / JAP)

Born in Venezuela and based in Tokyo for the past decade, Aquiles Hadjis

combines strategies from visual arts and improvisation to drive his

performances, installations, and instrument building.

Linking the idea of prototypes to sketching, he thinks of both as thought

that has solidified only slightly, enough to do things it cannot do inside the

mind, but still malleable enough to exist as a frame for conversations that

invite the unknown. In consequence, many of his works give voice to

malfunctioning and unpredictable systems whose conversations he propitiates and moderates. Once materialized they can be encountered simultaneously as sound installations, stages, and musical instruments.

In his live performances, where he often collaborates with musicians from other styles, he surrounds himself with a constellation of sculptural instruments which create raw, warm soundscapes as they tangle around each other.

He has performed and shown his work in the US, Japan, Germany, Venezuela, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong among other places.


very special appearance after 20 year’s of silence by the legendary




1.2.2020   19h30 Fixateur Externe All Stars // BOM


Musique concréte with DIY instruments and Sound-poetry.
Sound-poetic, meta-linguistic, traces: (S)experimental impro-vision, word pictures, sound layers, dream shards, opening microdimensions… Vibrations, Sensitive Waves, Post-Vibrations …, dream-shards (comma),… Ü! Å° from panyiga ü!
Sound Poetry & performance art as well with effects and loops, from homemade musical instruments to traditional folk instruments (zither, cowbell) that he played on a special shamanic way (with horse tooth and bones).

Rovar17 makes some problems and loops, Zopan puts his thoughts into a microphone(s), while everything goes crazy with Luca and her sax, and the bass from Gásó.

Yes, and the sight is MaN from Pent Leditgrant Memorial Orchestra. He frames the event with a slide show as a visual artist.


BOM is a solo project by Kornél Bíró who is the bass guitarist of the well known Hungarian industrial band, called Lyuhász Lyácint Bt. His solo project formed in 2014 and he released some live and studio albums and he had many gigs all across in Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria and Germany. In 2020 he moved to Vienna and he makes in his new city his own noisy bass guitar based experimental, improvised music.


26.1.2020   19h Filmabend: Jean Ziegler - Der Optimismus des Willens


"„Jean Ziegler – Der Optimismus des Willens“ ist ein kluges und hintersinniges

Porträt des weltweit bekannten Globalisierungskritikers und Menschenrechtlers

Jean Ziegler. Filmemacher Nicolas Wadimoff nähert sich dem umstrittenen

Schweizer Soziologen und Weltbestsellerautor mit kritischer Empathie. Er geht mit Ziegler dahin, wohin dieser sonst nur alleine geht: zu seinen Zweifeln und Widersprüchen und zu seiner tief sitzenden Hoffnung, dass eine andere Welt

möglich ist."

Der Film kann aber auch mehr als ein Portrait eines engagierten Menschen sein, dem man zu seiner Arbeit applaudiert.
Eine Aufforderung und Inspiration selbst die notwendigen Veränderungen mit zu bewirken. Mit Kopf und Stimme gegen gierige, brutale Machenschaften von rücksichtslosen Machteliten zu kämpfen.

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19.1.2020   19h30 Marina Poleukhina & Alexander Chernyshkov


Ein Abend mit hörbaren Ereignissen aus fremden und

bekannten Welten.

Marina Poleukhina: expressive objects,voice

(ausdrucksstarke Objekte, Stimme)
Alexander Chernyshkov: electromechanical mechanisms,

(elektromechanische Mechanismen, Stimme)


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